Having served in the RCMP for 18 years, I bring a strong work ethic, professionalism, and the utmost integrity to my role as a REALTOR®.  You can have confidence that I will always have your best interest at heart and ensure your needs, and the needs of your family, are looked after.

I have great respect for you as members. You do an impossible job with a smile on your face; a role you could not sustain without the loved ones who support you.  I understand the challenges faced by you as members, and your families, once you become entrenched in a community, have formed relationships, and are then transferred to a new town, district, or even a division.

Transferring can be a difficult and exciting process. After having served in a variety of communities with RCMP, and having transferred within the province, I understand the challenges of the government relocation process.

Trying to find the right bachelor pad or perfect family home in a 5-day house hunting trip can seem impossible and daunting. We will prepare, via phone, email, & virtually beforehand and have your HHT itinerary ready to go upon your arrival. My goal is to make this process feel seamless and to minimize your stress.

On the other hand, preparing and selling a home in order to make your transfer date is challenging.  I will prepare a comprehensive comparative market analysis for you that will help price your home accurately to sell with the market conditions at the time.

I was a dedicated police officer for many years but, was [am] a mom first and foremost. My motto was “never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”  I have carried this motto forward into my career as a REALTOR®.

We will make a great team. I look forward to hearing from you soon!