What the f**dk happened in 2020? My son called it a dumpster fire of a year…

Better late than never – at the start of each year I like to look back on the last 12 months. 2020 was one for the books, that is for sure.  With uncertain times in our world during COVID-19 and it’s unprecedented impact on the real estate market I had some experiences that I thought I’d share. If nothing else this will entertain you!

Not only were we in the midst of a world Pandemic, but my family also took on an old house to renovate and sell. As the doors of IKEA closed behind us, my husband and I loaded up a kitchen, two bathrooms, a laundry room, and an office to haul back to the island. We spent the next 4 months renovating, temporarily homeschooling (which brought me to my tearful knees), building my business, and renovating. The home flip story is a post all in itself. Though the new family moved in a few months ago, James is still recovering. I think we both are.
(Did I mention we had a builder in the home today assessing our home renovation that we’d like to start?)

 One male client I had last year purchased a home – it became apparent that once the offer had been accepted and I was working with other clients, he still expected my undivided attention. There were a few concerns he had about possession and I was doing my best to answer them in a timely manner, while embarking on 2 other simultaneous government house hunting trips (which are 5 days of intensity). I could tell this client was becoming angry at my lack of attention to him. Eventually he told me he did not want me to meet him at the possession walk through. I am skimming over the details as he became quite erratic and I could tell he was angry. En route to the walk through I called the police to do a drive by – believe me there was reason. In my purse went my pocketknife and I waited at the door.  This client arrived and was visibly upset – I said that I knew he was upset, but it was important that I feel safe before going in the house with him. He said “don’t come in then.”  My response was swift. I handed the key to him and said it was up to him to change this path, but he may be on his own if there were any issues in the home. He said he was on his own from the start anyway and slammed the door, SLAMMED the door, in my face. 
Did I mention this was all over the possibility that a murphy bed may or may not be in the home upon closing? 

Another client, who was typically lovely, misunderstood something regarding her insurance and got very mad at me. Later calling me, while fairly intoxicated, yelling.  A few texts followed – I never did get an apology but when I delivered the annual Christmas Poinsettia everything seemed fine?!

One of my favourite and least favourite listings of the year was a tenanted property. At one-point new tenants moved in and they were not happy to be living in a house for sale. It started when I received separate calls from the husband and wife yelling at me (I had never met, nor spoken to either of these people before), telling me the landlord was a jerk, that I could f^&k this and f^&k that, they would only deal with me and they had called bylaws to report my actions. Did I mention I had not been to the property since they moved in?  They would not allow viewings in the home, so I arranged, with them, exterior showings only. One Realtor® was showings inside. One day I arranged exterior showings only with 3 different Realtor® at 3 different times – tenants were aware. One Realtor® said he and two clients were walking around the property when out came the tenant yelling and calling them perverts for looking in the window during the showing. Subsequently, she called the bylaws officer to report me bringing 12 people in the home contrary to COVID practices. Did I mention I had not been to the property in a month? Bylaws called me and we sorted out the LLPOF (liar liar pants on fire) situation. 

The following week I had arranged 4 showings, close together so as to impact them the least. Everyone would be masked and gloved and not allowed to touch anything. And quick cleanings between – but before everyone could get there the police were called. Yes, the police were called as the tenant was not happy. There were words between the tenant, police and landlords – if you can believe it, I stayed out of this whole rigmarole.  

On the day of the showings the landlord, who was sitting on the road in his car was getting the ‘bird’ from the tenants, called the police to keep the peace during the showings. This is true!! I arrived to try and smooth it all over with the tenants – after I walked through a cloud of marijuana smoke to talk to the tenant, he yelled at me for about 10 minutes, then went and sat in his truck, in the yard, while the showings went on. 

A week later the property sold. I told the landlord I would be happy to see this one in my rear-view mirror. He said well, we hired you because you used to be a cop and thought you could deal with this shit. Really??!!! Yes, that is what my business card says, “Realtor®, bodyguard, social worker, marriage counsellor, police officer, barista… “

 One client bought a great house on a large property that happened to share a driveway with the adjacent house. The neighbour was a bit of a troublemaker; we decided it might be why the previous owners moved. So once my client moved in, he had to build a half-acre, 8 foot high, fence between him and the meddling, hard rocking neighbour. My client said he wasn’t worried as his stereo was twice as loud.

It was not all roses as I was “fired” 3 x’s for being too busy! No, I won’t take your call at 10pm on a Sunday night to answer what school catchment the house is in. No, I won’t take your call during dinner with my family to help you find the listing on a map because you can’t seem to get googlemaps to work. And no, I won’t leave my son’s birthday to give you a tour of Parksville, when you are not even sure in what town you wish to live. If that is unreasonable by your standards, I am not the Realtor® for you. But I wish your Realtor® the best of luck ;) 

On other hand I got to work with one of my best friends, say good-bye to some clients and friends who moved away, and connect a few first-time home buyers to new homes – who by the way, entered into one of the toughest markets in recent history. I made 10 offers for one couple before we found something for them!

 2020 welcomed 6 new RCMP & 2 Canadian Forces members and families to the area. RCMP families and members are close to my heart.

Speaking of RCMP, if you can believe it, one of my clients was my ‘old’ boss’s grandson and girlfriend. He kept calling her Nanna – all I could think about was her and I going undercover, back in the day, in dive bars wearing too tight Juicy Couture!

After a record-breaking year, I was also honored with a sales achievement award by Macdonald Realty! So, I moved my son’s trophies to the back of the shelf and placed it up front. Get out of the way kids!

 Thank you to my clients, and those who have referred me, for your trust!

On to 2021 which has started with as much craze as an outdoor concert I went to at UBC in the 90’s! Here we go…

Shannon Cutler
Macdonald Realty Ltd.