
Buying a House With a Home Office In Mind

Buying a House With a Home Office In Mind

If you work from home and it’s time to move, your next property should reflect your personal and professional needs. This isn’t always as straightforward as it seems, so think everything through from start to finish. Read on for important tips from Shannon Cutler Real Estate.

Re-wrapped resolutions: Goal setting

A resolution in disguise?

 As we are well into the new year, I look back on the month of January and the resolutions that have been made all around me. When I was younger there would be the yearly, “this year I promise to eat more green veggies, to drink less wine (except weekends), and always to train for a half-marathon.” I soon learned that new year’s resolutions were not for me. That my best chance of success would be to live the life I want, a life that makes me happy, on a daily basis.

 For the first time in my life I decided 2020 was the year to goal set. At the start of the year, my good friend and co-worker, Jeannie Shaver (also a Rockstar Realtor®), and I sat down at my kitchen table with coffee and pens in hands and we planned our year. Business style.  We set our goals for money, clients, social media, our personal lives, and for fitness. 

 At first, I felt this may be more resolutions packaged in a different colour wrapper. I soon realized that goal setting was a means for planning my business year; a way to find a sense of organization and very clear direction.  I found this comforting and quite grounding. Perhaps just what I needed.

 My goals are clear, written down, attainable, relevant and measurable. Well, sort of measurable. But all the rest, check. How can I run a successful real estate business, when I do not feel organized? I am not sure that it is possible, long-term.

 After being in business for myself, a solo-preneur, for nearly two years, there are days when I feel I have very little direction. Like today do I watch four episodes of Scandal while folding laundry and sending the odd email wearing yoga pants on my couch? While that sounds like a blissful day, it is a sure way to not do any business. Don’t get me wrong, I do feel that some downtime is required on occasion, especially with 2 young children to raise in the midst of crazy real estate life. However, if I do not have appointments one day, what do I do? 

 With setting my goals I have something to fall back on, when my day appears to have zero direction. Goals are something to check in with; to evaluate my progress. I feel my goals will hold me accountable, to myself. Well, also to Jeannie while we have our morning power hour at the office, or on the trails while we walk our dogs.  Some of our brightest ideas and biggest brainstorming sessions have been on our trail walks.

 I know my dog, Crosby, the handsomest chocolate lab you have ever laid eyes on, has made his annual resolution. His resolution is to trick me into walking with his friends more often, and to let him sleep on my bed. At this point, 1 out of 2 ain’t bad.

 Shannon Cutler
Vancouver Island Realtor® and Lifestylist
Macdonald Real Estate Group, BC